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About Us

Southern Campbell Fire District is a combination fire department consisting of paid and volunteer staffing. The fire district which is located in the southern end of Campbell County Kentucky, provides fire suppression and emergency medical services. 
The Southern Campbell Volunteer Fire Department which was originally formed on April 9th, 1959, consisted of only volunteer members at the time. By April 2000, the organization became a fire district to better serve the citizens in the area and by 2001, paid firefighters began to staff Southern Campbell Fire District as the demand for ambulance services went up with the continued population growth. Today, the fire district services 49 square miles and continues to grow in numbers with its members. 
Southern Campbell Fire District believes that our most valuable asset is our members. The district believes that its success as a fire department in significant part, is the ability to recruit, hire and maintain a motivated career and volunteer work force. 

Customer Service

We will always strive to provide the community with a service that exceeds expectations. Efficiency must always be maintained in serivce delivery. The citizens of our tax district deserve our best effort. Each one of us plays an important part in making this happen. Our commitment has to be 100%.
The community derves our best effort. Together we are Southern Campbell Fire District and each of our actions is important. Our citizens expect us to be ready to handle any challenge that may arise. Trust is earned through training and job performance and our conduct must always be professional. 
Our commitment is to always be prepared. We will hold ourselves to the highest standards of conduct. 
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